Medical Imaging Data usage Quality Statement (MIDQS) is a set of checklists and scales designed to improve the quality of reporting in scientific articles that use medical imaging data.
Why use MIDQS?
Medical Imaging Data usage Quality Statemen is designed in addition to improve the quality of published scientific articles on the use of medical imaging data. Here are some reasons why using Medical Imaging Data usage Quality Statemen can be beneficial firstly clarity and organization, secondly accessibility, reproducibility, further consistency, and journal requirements.
Overall, adopting the MIDQS structure provides a transparent and standardised framework for organising and presenting studies that use medical imaging data, making them more accessible, reproducible and consistent.
By using our Statement, you are contributing to improving the reporting of scientific research.
Aims and Scope of Medical Imaging Data usage Quality Statemen
In conclusion, MIDQS aims and focuses on the different types of research that have used, described or dealt with medical imaging data in some way. The main aim of publishing the Medical Imaging Data usage Quality Statemen is to improve the quality of the scientific papers presented. Most importantly, The Declaration Working Group is open to any proposals and suggestions for its area of work. Please do not hesitate to contact us.